The post-millennial generation, also known as Generation Z, possesses remarkable emotional intelligence and awareness due to their extensive research and exposure.
However, as the saying goes, the more they learn, the more they realize how much they do not know, leading to the loss of mystery. While they have a structured understanding of various aspects of life beyond necessities, they may not have the opportunity to experience evolution and the open-ended nature of love.
Generation Z gets characterized by a drive to seize every opportunity available, and most people globally command their passions, education, travel, and interests!
It’s a global generation, philosophically, figuratively, and metaphorically, which often leads to long-distance relationships! We will explore a unique perspective on long-distance relationships, dissect their complex nature, and emerge out of their dark anticipation as part of this blog.
The physical distance between two lovers can lead to heightened sensitivity to uncertainty, insecurity, and anxiety, as changes in surroundings can bring about spontaneous challenges and surprises that only those going through the experience can truly comprehend. Even the food consumed by each individual gets impacted by their immediate surroundings, which could cause shifts in one’s way of being.
How can food cause changes in behavior, one might wonder!?
But we become what we eat, and over some time, it begins to show! Time differences can also exacerbate communication gaps, as mornings and nights can differ significantly between the two individuals, impacting their energy levels and ability to communicate effectively.
External factors like these can immensely affect the consistency and frequency of conversations. Our immediate surroundings often define our reactions and behaviors, making it difficult for the partner who stays behind to feel secure in their knowledge of the other person’s whereabouts. This isn’t necessarily a lack of trust, but rather a natural response to the many variables that can jeopardize a long-distance relationship.
But hey, if the reason behind going into a long distance with your partner serves a greater purpose for both of you as individuals and collectively, then honey, it is crucial to break free of the constructs of the limitations of long-distance relationships. As it is, nothing around is absolute. Everything around and within us is either constantly changing or evolving!
Usually, we get caught up with our beautiful memories with our partners and feel the need to treasure them in the same shape and form all our lives. To feel that way is magical! But it is pertinent to accept that those memories will slip by, and there will be new ones ahead of you. Being embracive of broken patterns of life gives birth to the most beautiful forms of love. When you rejoice in their growth, grow yourself on your terms, and let the pattern of your conversations take the form that comes naturally to them, you continue to keep the mystery and honesty of your feelings intact.
A healthy relationship is one that never stays the same but feels the same!
It’s important to remember that no two long-distance relationships are the same, or relationships in general for that matter. Often, we impose our insecurities onto our relationships because of the fears that we carry within us. It’s crucial to break free from negative connotations associated with long-distance relationships and allow yourself to have your unique experience, whatever that may be. Embrace the unpredictable nature of it all and let the relationship happen in its wildest form. This can bring you and your partner closer to each other and yourselves. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be cautious and prepared for the challenges that may come your way. There will be difficult moments, but there will also be beautiful moments, like surprising each other in each other’s city or country or sharing meaningful experiences through video calls.
Please allow me to put below three pieces of advice (Just three):
1) Constantly break free from patterns
2) Don’t be afraid to put in constant effort in the relationship
3) Remember to be there for yourself, your priorities and dreams
Long distance does not have to be an end to your magical relationship. It can be the beginning, and you deserve all the open-minded, wholehearted, transforming and miraculous journeys of love!